EN/ We have all already met sculptures made of stones on the top of each other, creating small towers, on mountain summits, river banks or sea beaches, where they are often thoughtlessly left by passers-by. Visual attractivness of mounds transferred into the gallery space supplemented with "crystalized" motive, lies primarily in their impossibility. Balancing stones without the use of tricks stands at the edge of believability and may be even sometimes interpretated as a miraculous act. The fact that the subtle stone constructions can collapse at any moment, for example due to exhibition visitors, suprised by the absence of glue used for installation, is an inherent part of the work, as well as the desire for illusion, elusivness and pointless endeavor, evoking the methapor of human efforts.
pátek 21. listopadu 2014
Nedýchej pro iluzi / Don't breathe for illusion, instalace / installation, 2014
CZ/ S kladením kamenů na sebe, respektive se stavbou malých kamenných věžiček jsme se setkali pravděpodobně všichni na vrcholcích hor, na březích řek a mořských plážích, kde je často bezmyšlenkovitě zanechávají kolemjdoucí. Vizuální atraktivita mohyl přenesených do galerijního prostoru a doplněných o "vykrystalizovaný" motiv, spočívá primárně v jejich nemožnosti. Vyvážení kamenů bez použití jakýchkoli triků je dohnáno na hranici uvěřitelnosti a při prvním spatření lze hovořit o určitém zázračném momentu. Fakt, že se subtilní kamenné stavby mohou každou chvíli zřítit, např. díky návštěvníkům výstavy, zpochybňujícím absenci použití lepidla, je přirozenou součástí celé instalace, stejně jako touha po iluzi, prchavost a nesmyslná snaha, evokující metaforu lidského snažení.
EN/ We have all already met sculptures made of stones on the top of each other, creating small towers, on mountain summits, river banks or sea beaches, where they are often thoughtlessly left by passers-by. Visual attractivness of mounds transferred into the gallery space supplemented with "crystalized" motive, lies primarily in their impossibility. Balancing stones without the use of tricks stands at the edge of believability and may be even sometimes interpretated as a miraculous act. The fact that the subtle stone constructions can collapse at any moment, for example due to exhibition visitors, suprised by the absence of glue used for installation, is an inherent part of the work, as well as the desire for illusion, elusivness and pointless endeavor, evoking the methapor of human efforts.
EN/ We have all already met sculptures made of stones on the top of each other, creating small towers, on mountain summits, river banks or sea beaches, where they are often thoughtlessly left by passers-by. Visual attractivness of mounds transferred into the gallery space supplemented with "crystalized" motive, lies primarily in their impossibility. Balancing stones without the use of tricks stands at the edge of believability and may be even sometimes interpretated as a miraculous act. The fact that the subtle stone constructions can collapse at any moment, for example due to exhibition visitors, suprised by the absence of glue used for installation, is an inherent part of the work, as well as the desire for illusion, elusivness and pointless endeavor, evoking the methapor of human efforts.
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